#44 Bouncing Balls

A child plays with a ball on the nth floor of a big building. The height of this floor is known.

(float parameter "h" in meters. Condition 1) : h > 0)

He lets out the ball. The ball bounces for example to two-thirds of its height.

(float parameter "bounce". Condition 2) : 0 < bounce < 1)

His mother looks out of a window that is 1.5 meters from the ground.

(float parameters "window". Condition 3) : window < h).

How many times will the mother see the ball either falling or bouncing in front of the window?

If all three conditions above are fulfilled, return a positive integer, otherwise return -1.


You will admit that the ball can only be seen if the height of the rebouncing ball is stricty greater than the window parameter.


h = 3, bounce = 0.66, window = 1.5, result is 3

h = 3, bounce = 1, window = 1.5, result is -1 (Condition 2) not fulfilled).

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