#55 Sum of Two Integers


Given Two intgers a , b , find The sum of them , BUT You are not allowed to use the operators + and -


The numbers (a,b) may be positive , negative values or zeros .

Returning value will be integer .

Javascript: the Array reduce methods are disabled, along with eval, require, and module .

Java: the following methods are prohibited: addExact, average, collect, decrement, increment, nextAfter, nextDown, nextUp, reduce, subtractExact, sum, summing . The following classes are prohibited: BigDecimal and BigInteger .

NASM: the following instructions are prohibited: add, adc, adcx, adox, dec, inc, sbb, sub .

Input >> Output Examples

1- Add (5,19) ==> return (24) 

2- Add (-27,18) ==> return (-9)

3- Add (-14,-16) ==> return (-30)

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