#59 How long is the cable?

The goal is to calculate the length of a cable.

The cable will be symbolized with a combination of the following characters: -, _, =.

Each character has a different length: - is of length 1, _ of length 2 and = of length 3.

Sometimes the cable is making a loop. This will be symbolized with brackets.

When you have reached a closing bracket ), you have to go back to the corresponding opening bracket and count the length again -> this represents a loop.

For example:

Cable.calculateLength("----"); // => 4

Cable.calculateLength("_(-_)"); // => 8 --> _-_-_

Cable.calculateLength("_(-(_))="); // => 15 --> _(-__)= --> _-__-__=

If a cable is broken, meaning number of ( is not equal to number of ), you must throw a BracketException of type RuntimeException that you must implement yourself.

If the cable has a node, meaning a different character is detected on the input string, throw a NodeException of type RuntimeException (implement it as well)

If a cable is both broken and contains nodes then it should throw the exception that can be first detected and confirmed.

Good luck and keep an eye on the performance of your code - suboptimal solutions may time out in the Submit tests ;)

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