#81 Format words into a sentence

Complete the method so that it formats the words into a single comma separated value. The last word should be separated by the word 'and' instead of a comma. The method takes in an array of strings and returns a single formatted string. Empty string values should be ignored. Empty arrays or null/nil values being passed into the method should result in an empty string being returned.

Kata.formatWords(new String[] {"ninja", "samurai", "ronin"}) => "ninja, samurai and ronin"

Kata.formatWords(new String[] {"ninja", "", "ronin"}) => "ninja and ronin"

Kata.formatWords(new String[] {}) => ""

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class Kata {

	 public static String replaceLast(String str, String regex, String replacement) {
	        int regexIndexOf = str.lastIndexOf(regex);
	        if(regexIndexOf == -1){
	            return str;
	            return str.substring(0, regexIndexOf) + replacement + str.substring(regexIndexOf + regex.length());

  public static String formatWords(String[] words) {
    // Do the things...
    if(words == null) return "";
    return replaceLast(Arrays.stream(words).filter(word -> !word.equals("")).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")),", "," and ");


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